You will find this conferencing software
very easy and intuitive to use, even if
you have never used this kind of product
before. Here are answers to frequently
asked question to help you make the most
of your conferencing experience.
Requirements |
Minimum |
Microprocessor |
Pentium III® or compatible |
Pentium III® or compatible
Memory |
64 MB of RAM |
128 MB of RAM |
Operating System |
Windows 98SE or higher |
Windows XP |
Screen Resolution |
800 x 600 |
1024 x 768 |
Internet Connection |
20 Kbps Dial-Up |
Broadband Cable or DSL
Hard Drive Space |
1 MB |
2 MB |
A word about Firewalls.
How do I enter a room?
I can't hear anything?
How do I ‘speak’ in the room?
What if I can’t see the ‘audio
How do I use the text chat?
What if I can’t see the ‘text chat
What about private messages?
When I launch the Conference, the "OK"
button is grayed out in the "Login
Information" box! How do I connect?
My "TALK NOW!" button and text area are
grayed out! What's wrong?
How do I get people to log into my
personal room?
What else should I know?
word about Firewalls.
Firewalls can keep you from entering the
Conference Room. Be sure to pay
attention when entering the conference
room for any pop-up warnings from your
firewall (ie: Norton). Be sure to ALLOW
or PERMIT any actions while accessing
the room. If you BLOCK or DENY any part
of the process you will not be able to
enter the conference Room.
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do I enter a room?
Once you have the software installed on
your PC, you will find a ‘shortcut’ icon
on your desktop. Using the left mouse
button, double click to launch the
software If a new version of the
software is available, then it will be
downloaded automatically at this point.
Before you can enter a conference room
you will be asked to login
Enter your name in the screen name box.
If you are logging in as a guest in
someone else’s room, we would suggest
you ask them if there are any
conventions they would like you to use.
For example, the host or ‘moderator’ may
prefer that you use your real name, or
simply identify yourself as a guest in
some way.
You will also see a box where you can
select which room you wish to enter. If
there are no names listed here then this
just means there is only the main room
You may or may not be asked for a login
password at this point, if so enter your
password here.
You can also choose to login with
‘moderator’ status. This is usually the
owner of the room, however that person
may have given you a further password to
login as a moderator. This might be the
case if you are renting or leasing the
room temporarily from the owner. If you
do have a moderator password then left
click the small down arrow next to the
box that says, ‘login with moderator
rights’ and enter the password you have
been given.
When you are finished click ‘ok’ to
enter the room you have chosen or cancel
to exit.
When you first enter the room, you will
see it is split into several ‘areas’. We
will cover each area in turn in the
detailed help files, but for the
purposes of this quick start section
they are as follows:-
Menu options- Along the top of the
screen are the main drop down menu’s
used to select options and
configurations for the room. Some
options are only available to the
moderator of the room and will be
‘grayed out’.
Work area- This is the main display area
and shows either a browser window or the
built in whiteboard
Text Chat area- This is where you can
type in your text messages to other
members in the room, either publicly, or
privately depending on what the room
‘moderator’ allows.
List of Conferences- This displays the
rooms currently available for you to
enter, though some may only be
accessible with the correct password.
List of Members- This panel shows the
names of the members currently active in
the room. If there is a moderator in the
room his/her name would be highlighted
in blue text.
Speaker Web Cam - This area displays the
web-cam image of the person currently
speaking.This can be switched on and off
by the moderator, and is usually only
used for small groups that are on high
speed connections with suitable PC
Audio Controller - This area allows for
the setting of microphone and speaker
volumes and includes the all-important
‘talk now’ button.
Status display - Along the bottom of the
screen you will see info about your
connection and other status info.
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your speaker and microphone settings
When a member of the room is talking,
you will see a small speaker icon appear
to the left of their name and they will
be at the top of the list of members.
If you see this and yet cannot hear
anything, then check your speaker
settings. You may also need to check
your speaker settings for your sound
card too. This can usually be done via
Windows ‘control panel’ Also check your
microphone volume and settings here too.
If you still cannot hear anything then
try logging out of the room and back in
again. It may be that you were connected
via a person that has a bad connection
or has just logged out themselves and
has temporarily caused you to be
‘partially’ logged in. The software will
normally detect this and re-connect you
via someone else. In most cases logging
out and back in again will resolve this
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do I ‘speak’ in the room using the audio
To speak in the room, hover your mouse
pointer over the ‘talk now’ button
located in the bottom left corner. Click
and hold the left mouse button to talk
and let go when you finish. It is
advisable that you click a second or two
before you speak and likewise release it
shortly after you finish. This is
particularly important if you are on a
very slow dial-up connection as some
small latency can occur. This is normal
and is purely a limitation of slow
connections, however this rarely affects
the overall quality of speech from such
When you first enter the room, at an
appropriate time, ask another member of
the room if they can hear you ok, to
test your microphone.
Adjust the microphone volume up or down
depending on the response you get using
the sliders on the audio controller.
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if I can’t see the audio controller?
Usually, by default the audio controller
appears in the bottom left corner of the
conference window. If for some reason
you cannot see it, then it may be either
disabled or de-selected. To check this,
left click on the ‘View’ menu option.
You will see a list of the windows that
you can select or de-select. Make sure
there is a tick next to the audio
controller option. If not then highlight
it and left click the mouse. The audio
controller should now be visible. It is
also possible to minimize and maximize
the audio controller window using the
small up/down arrow next to where it
says ‘audio controller’. When maximized
you should see the sliders for
controlling volume for speakers and mic,
plus the ‘talk now’ button. Next to the
‘talk now’ button, there may also be a
tick box.This tick box enables and
disables the hands-free mic option. The
moderator may have this option disabled
though, in which case you will not see
the tick box at all. In most cases this
function is only used by the moderator,
so that he can keep the mic open while
giving a presentation.
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do I use the text chat?
The text chat is very easy to use. The
Text chat area has three sections. The
main viewing area, the enter message box
and the ‘private message to’ selection
Left click the mouse in the ‘your
message box’ at the bottom of the main
text chat area. You can now type your
message here. When you want to post
your message, left click on the ‘send’
button or hit the enter key on your
You will see your message appear in the
main text chat area. When another member
in the room replies, you will see the
results in the main area too. The text
chat window can be made bigger or
smaller depending on your preference and
can also be minimized or completely
disabled by the moderator of the room
(see moderator functions).
To adjust the window size, hover the
mouse pointer over the outer edge of the
text chat area until it changes shape.
It will look like a line with two small
arrows either side. When this happens
click and hold the left mouse button and
‘drag’ the window to the size and shape
you wish by moving the mouse. When you
are done just let go of the mouse
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if I can’t see the text chat area?
Check the view options drop down menu,
the instructions are the same as for the
audio controller and the other windows
that can be selected, de-selected,
minimized or maximized.
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about private messages?
Private messaging may be enabled or
disabled by the moderator. If it is
available, you can left click on the
small arrow next to the ‘private to’ box
and select a member from the drop down
list to send a message to.
When you have selected a name, you then
send a message in the usual way by
typing in the ‘your message box’ and
clicking ‘send’ or hitting enter on your
When you receive a private message, a
new window will pop up on top of the
conference room . No other member of the
room will see this message.
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I launch the Conference, the "OK" button
is grayed out in the "Login Information"
box! How do I connect?
Uninstall and re-install the software as
per the instructions above. This happens
when a major change has been made on the
software and it requires a complete
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"TALK NOW!" button and text area are
grayed out! What's wrong?
Simply log out and try to log back in a
few seconds later until you get a "good"
connection. If you absolutely cannot get
a "good" connection, use the helpdesk
and post a ticket. This happens when the
Conference tries to connect to an other
use who has Windows XP firewall enabled
or is running a 3rd party firewall. We
are currently working on a fix for this
top priority issue.
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do I get people to log into my personal
From your the Conference back office,
you can download YOUR version of the
Conference. This is the software a user
needs to execute in order to log into
YOUR room. Make this file available for
download on your website or distribute
it using e-mail, it's all up to you!
Please note that most mail servers will
reject ".exe" files so you might have to
"zip" it first.
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else should I know?
That is most of the basics covered. You
should now be able to participate in a
conference call without too much
However, here are just a few things you
should be aware of.
There are many functions that only a
moderator can action, though it is
possible to have more than one moderator
at a time.
When a moderator is giving a
presentation, he/she may temporarily
disable certain functions until they are
done and open the room up for questions
Details of you current connection status
are seen at the bottom of the screen.
You can select browser mode or
whiteboard mode in the main work area.
If the moderator is trying to show you a
new web-page, make sure you are in
browser mode by left clicking on the
correct tab. Likewise, select whiteboard
to view anything being displayed there.
Please respect the integrity of the
conference room and maintain basic
etiquette, otherwise you may be ejected
from the room or even permanently
Enjoy your visit!
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